20 Goals for 2020

I actually have had time to write lately on my longest break from school. It's nice. You'll even see a new look here. If you missed our annual update letter and photos: https://sarahwhowanders.blogspot.com/2019/12/our-annual-christmas-letter-update.html 
I am not sure if you have seen it, but I have seen the idea of a small goal list instead of resolutions for 2020. 20 things to accomplish and or focus on in the year 2020. Some people even use the # 20 in their goals which you will see in a few of mine! I am a list-maker, goal setter, resolution dreamer. I am the person who LOVES stuff like this as well as picking a word to drive my year. 

I can tell you that during this past year I fought to be more authentic. I wanted to be truer to me than I have ever been. Sometimes when you marry young, lose hope and faith during a divorce, begin raising children, switch careers, meet an amazing man...and so on...you start losing your own way and the things that make you YOU. You start wondering-do I actually love red roses, long walks on the beach and camping the way I say I do? Answer yes to roses. Love the beach, but sitting on it watching the waves or reading a book. Like camping if someone else does all the prep and I am in our comfy trailer ("glamping" the gals at work say), but tent camping? Heck no. What does that have to do with anything? I have to know myself in order to be authentic, and I care deeply about being REAL. 

Quick story on this. I have 5 girlfriends who I see a few times a year and for one annual weekend. I love them all-I really do, but during this past year I was doubting things. Do they really love me? Do they really even know me? Do they actually know the things that make me tick? Or do we just all like to take photos and shop? Are we that superficial (and therefore is our friendship)? Maybe I should stay at home. Then it dawned on me how much have YOU let them see you? How much have you talked about your heart instead of just blending in? So I went, vowing to myself to be authentic, to speak up, and to be open-minded. It was my favorite weekend so far. Yeah, we shared Starbucks, shopped a little, took photos, and looked at pretty Christmas lights. We also talked about families, raising kids, divorces, faith, dignity in death, career and personal goals, and our hurts and fears. I left with an even bigger appreciation of these ladies, and I hope they did as well.
 Image result for authentic quotes

So, my word for 2020 is not authenticity (but I plan to keep on working this!), but BREATHE. In a year that will be brimming with school, deadlines, homework, raising 2 sons and all their games and projects and events, work, clinical placements for NP school, being a wife...it all seems a bit much. Very busy, very full. I may be MIA for some fun get-togethers this coming year, but in the midst of it all, with the light right around the corner (I finish April 2021), I will remind myself to breathe. Breathe in and out. Take a moment to be grounded, to be thankful, and to smile at all God has given. Then keep breathing! :) 

Without further ado (in no particular order), a mixture of travel, fun, and the things that matter most to me: my 20 for 2020:

  1. Read 25+ books. Before NP school, I read 50+ books a year. This past year I have read 35 with 2 more almost done (maybe in the next week!). I am trying to be realistic though as the textbook reading makes fun reading time diminish, but it's important to read because I love to.
  2. Keep off the 20 lbs lost in 2019! I met my weight loss goal last month of losing 20 lbs, and now I am maintaining. 😏
  3. Complete year 2 of FNP program. The first 12 months are complete. 15 more to go. Then a big test. Then...new career! It's all a bit scary if I am perfectly honest, but also exhilarating to reach goals and potential I didn't quite expect (or always did and am now finally making happen...)
  4. Show up to a fitness class. Okay, Sarah fact. I hate exercise, but actually don't mind yoga or Pilates but have NO motivation to do them at home (even though I have videos and YouTube!). I thought if I took a class I would be more accountable, but also Sarah fact: gym classes give me extreme social anxiety. Like get ready and drive there, then decide in parking lot to come home. Seriously though. So instead of signing up for a class (which is impossible with my schedule anyhow), my goal is go to a single class. Show up. Be present. Give it a chance, then go from there. Maybe I will never go again, and maybe I will go on a weird schedule of 1 time some weeks and 2 times others (schedule is seriously all over the place at times), but I need to try. I have high hopes for aqua fitness classes. I printed out the schedule 2 months ago. I got a bag ready and a swimsuit and towel. But I have not gone yet.
  5. Attend 20+ games my boys play in. With soccer, basketball, and baseball this should not be hard. I finally had to get over the fact that 50% of their games is about all I can do, and they get it (they probably always did). The rest was forgiving myself. As much as I would like to be at ALL THE THINGS, there is only one of me so when I am at work or in class I simply can't be there (simple law of physics I know, but complicated law to the heart).
  6. 20+ dates with my husband. We have an AMAZING marriage, but at some point we stopped dating. Now, we agreed that we will each take a month and plan a date (the others can be more spontaneous). My poor husband has no idea what he is in for (though might if he reads this post!).
  7. 20 dates with my boys (game nights, movies, out to eat, etc). Some alone with one-one time, some with both sons, some with B. These little things matter, and in a season of overflowing schedules, making the time makes them happen.
  8. 20+ minutes of exercise 3+ days per week. Yep. It made the list. Now if I can just get into the pool...that would help with some of this.
  9. Get 1 massage each month. I store stress in my neck and back and then walk around so sore. I have already booked January and February. A gift to me from me.
  10. Visit the Oregon Caves-you knew there'd be some travel! I included a few places in my state I want to go to, and these caves look fascinating: https://www.nps.gov/orca/planyourvisit/index.htm.Image result for oregon caves
  11. Ride in a Hot Air Balloon (how have I not done this yet?): https://vistaballoon.com/
  12. Learn how to bake macarons. Thank you British Baking. I had never had this delightful little cookie until then. Now I want them all! Luckily they are expensive and very hard to make, so small quantities it is which keeps them "diet-friendly", right?
  13.  Attend 20+ church services. We tend to attend 1-2x per month and that is about all I can seem to manage with my other activities and "breathing", but it's important to not let that slip. I always feel better after a service full of worship and lessons. It's all about balance though. Time to care for myself and read scripture at home can be just as valuable when I just can't get myself out the door.
  14.  Attend a local festival. Last year we enjoyed the cider festival on the coast. This year I am thinking Seafood and Wine: http://www.topeventsusa.com/state-events-oregon.html, https://seafoodandwine.com/?mc_cid=51bf2e7da2&mc_eid=e14003f5db
  15. Image result for macaron
     Do an Escape Room challenge or Murder Mystery Dinner-I see a date idea 👍: https://www.thedinnerdetective.com/portland/
  16.  Take a train somewhere, but local as the Amtrak ones mean I need more time (and dollars because then I want grand, multi-state, sleeper car type trip). I have never been on a train: https://oregoncoastscenic.org/ or https://www.mthoodrr.com/train-rides/parkdale-excursions/
  17.  Live in the moment more. Be present. Leave the phone behind or in the other room. Stop and smell the flowers, bask in the sunlight (and the rain).
  18.  Travel to 1 new country and 1 new state. This year will see one amazing family vacation (we leave in 8 days!). It will also include my hands-on training in Boston, MA to which I have never been. Barrett and I are thinking Cabo San Lucas weekend for our anniversary (been to Mexico but not there). We will also revisit some favorite places from childhood on a week long camping/road-trip to California and to see family this coming Thanksgiving (we will see Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, and San Francisco (hello Alcatraz night tour!) as well as Manteca of course, hahaha!).
  19.  Visit the Alvord Desert. This too is in Oregon but 6+ hours away and looks otherworldly and magnificent-think of the stargazing!: https://www.yesmomimalive.com/the-alvord-desert.
  20.  Be more SARAH. I have been finding, embracing, and loving this quirky, intelligent, sarcastic woman. A girl who is both gifted and air-headed at once, tired and unstoppable, exuberant and painfully shy. A girl who prays and talks to God daily and also has lucky crystals in the house. She's here to stay: peacock Christmas decor, suede mini-skirts, bohemian flair, emotions at the surface, talk long into the night about the universe girl.
Sooo true, but I really hate myself when I'm on the "lets do nothing all day" moodBlessing because the capacity to love and feel loved when feeling safe is incredible. Curse because you always know bullshit resulting in mostly being alone and having a fire inside most can't handle.


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