Why Introverts Can Make Great Parents
There is a lot more attention on introverts these days. While there are many reasons our fun loving, charismatic, outgoing counterparts make good parents too, this post is for the introverts. I have to be perfectly honest here. There are times that I have doubted myself for having children. When I was a young adult I never figured that I would have children. I thought that I would be a career woman, married of course, and devote my life and time to my relationship, my job, and traveling the world (duh). In many ways I thought I would be perfectly happy without children, and that probably sounds terrible. Both my boys were planned pregnancies and both of them were at good points in my life after I had grown up a little bit and was prepared to be a little less selfish. I had Matthew at age 24 and Isaiah at age 27. I love my sons more than life itself and they have brought so much joy and fulfillment. Sometimes though I have wondered if being an introvert mom is detrimental to t...