How to Command a Great Day

Good morning! Today I first started by wanting to post about success. Then I wanted to write about happiness and gratitude. Then I started thinking about goals, and realized they all go together like the ingredients to an amazing Dutch apple know the kind with sugar/cinnamon/butter crumbles on top? FYI that is my FAVE dessert ever and I must learn how to make that...but I totally digress. Success, goal domination, happiness and gratitude are intricately woven together, and do not exist in a vacuum. Let's discuss briefly, with a few practical tips at the end. 

I had a few hard days this week. Like days that I ugly cried, you know, with lots of snot...days I lost my temper, days I looked like a hot mess (or just a mess...). You guys, that happens. That happens to everyone. I posted on FB about it instead of being perfect and choosing to be vulnerable, and you guys were like "yep, we all do that." The enormous stress of Grandpa in the hospital (he's home now, yay!) and us having to help make decisions, a huge pharmacology exam looming, TONS of end of year school stuff for the kids, a multitude of assignments in my other classes (do they not know it's pharm we all care about???), and having to train a new RN at work (which is not hard and she's nice...but it is harder than just doing my job, ya know?) really set me on edge for a few days. I was not the nicest most compassionate mom or wife. I forgot my parents wedding anniversary entirely. I ignored my sons. I used my "nurse brain" not my wife heart to respond to thoughts on Grandpa's care. Mind you, both are needed, but the nurse brain is not the most touchy feely when discussing feelings not practicality of advanced directives.  I had not exercised in a week. I felt like I was just muddling through, and barely at that. 

<Practical tip: I am reading a great book by Brene Brown on vulnerability and being real: The Gifts of Imperfection: Let go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are. I recommend.>

You know the absolute glorious thing about a day having 24 hours? We have a lousy day, we sleep, and we wake to a clean slate in the morning. Sure, we may have the same stressors hanging out, but with each new day we DECIDE how to handle things not how things should handle us. Read that again, would you?

Today, I was told it's time for reading glasses. In some ways it makes me feel a bit "old." But you know what, I will rock that sexy librarian look and have fewer tension headaches and eyestrain. I realized that getting older sure, has many parts that suck, BUT it is a huge BLESSING to get older. I lost a cousin to leukemia in her 20's. She was the prime example of heath until she wasn't. She would never have bitched about glasses or wrinkles, so I won't either. Each year that passes is full of more opportunities with my loved ones, getting to see my boys slowly and yet paradoxically all too quickly turn into men, and possibilities for the future. Who knows where I will be in 10 years? I sincerely hope in an office helping teens battle their mental demons, traveling even more, and maybe grand-kids. It's fun to think about.

Be grateful for every moment you have. Seeking success? Attempting to dominate a goal? Start with gratitude and amazing attitude, and you'll get there one step at a time. 

Practical tips to command a great day?

1. Rise early.
I am not a morning person, but I make myself be. By the time 7AM came and went I had already run and showered today. Yesterday I was almost through with one class by the same time. Don't skimp on sleep, but getting an early start will amaze you with what you can accomplish. 

2. Get some sunshine or fresh air.
A quick walk. 5 minutes to enjoy a cup of coffee outside. Watching the sunrise or sunset. Being outside has so many health benefits and mood benefits.

3. Practice gratitude. 
Something happens to our brain when we are thankful. We notice other things to be thankful for. We start thinking we have a really amazing life. I try to use my gratitude journal to start each day with 3 things I am grateful for, and I try to go to bed thinking about the best parts of my day. At dinner we do "high, low, something that I could do better/work on," so sometimes I find myself throughout the day thinking "should this be my high?" A great day has competing moments, but even the crappiest day has a high even if it is as simple as "right now dinner with family."

4. Physical touch. 
I am not really a hugger believe it or not, but I feel better and more loving the more I hug (just like the gratitude I suppose). They say it takes 7 positives in a day to undo a negative. I try to think I want this many points of contact with people to A)lend to their positivity and B) to mine. It should be no secret that couples who touch more are more intimate, happier and secure in their relationships. Children who are hugged more feel more secure as well. The brain is wired for touch. 

5. Meditate on your goals. 
This doesn't have to be woo-woo if you aren't into meditation. I just mean think about them. What do they look like? What doesn't happen if you don't get there? Often a goal is because something in the status quo is unacceptable. Maybe it's simply okay, like how I feel about being an RN but not a "hell yes" like I feel about being an NP. Ask yourself if you are ok with it never changing? No? There's your motivation. What happens when you do? See how that was phrased "when" not "if"? When I get to my goal all these little and big amazing things happen so I focus on those (little: I get a sports car and a housekeeper😉, and big, I help children and families and can travel even more). What are you doing today that is one baby step closer to where you want to be? I cross off each day on the calendar. Each of 7 terms is 14 weeks long, and you can bet at anytime I know which week I am on making progress.

6. Smile and think positive.
I have been running now for almost 5 weeks. It is usually just twice weekly and I am still SLOW and halting, but oodles better than where I started. I HATED running, but attitude is so important. See that theme? When I want to quit now I tell myself "this is great. I feel great. I am strong. I love to run." Sure, I might be lying in that moment hahaha, but it truly helps. When I finish I do think "that was great, look what I did!"

7. If nothing helps and your day still goes south, relax, regroup, refresh and try again tomorrow. We all have those days.


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