7 Months Without Social Media

Well, I didn't make it a year. It has been just under 7 months without social media… I’m back, kind of. This is my new blog. New me? In some ways. Expect posts about travel, psychology, nursing, and ME. 

Last November I decided to take a break from social media. It has been a good, much needed break, but I do miss the interaction, and keeping in touch with old (and new) friends. 

The first few days were hard. Every time I had a profound thought or something that made me giggle, I wanted to share it. I somehow felt that not being able to share that thought made it less important. This is not the case. Instead, I began sharing those thoughts with the people around me who matter most to me, my husband, my kids, my parents, and my friends. Sometimes I kept the thoughts to myself… I know, amazing!

I began this journey one month to the date after laying to rest our German Shepherd dog, Max. We had had Max as a family member for five years when he became very ill. Making the decision to put him to sleep remains one of the hardest decisions I have ever made. The time that followed his death will be remembered as harder than going through my divorce, harder than any illness or injury I have experienced, and even though it may sound terrible-harder than the deaths of family members-human ones, that is. I think it was because he was a constant companion. He was someone to be there when I was happy or sad, someone or something to love on and he always made me smile. Knowing the love, the unconditional love, of a pet is a very meaningful thing. His demise made me really want to focus on the things in front of me that mattered most. This meant some big changes for not only myself but our family.

Giving up my time on social media and thus cutting the time I spent on my phone and laptop dramatically has given me so much more time with my family. We have had many more family movie nights, game nights, and I have had time to teach my sons some of my passions, such as getting a microscope and spending hours pouring over microscope slides, growing crystals, taking pictures that aren't all immediately getting shared with the world. We have spent more time cooking meals together and going on walks. Barrett and I have once again been camping more and taking weekend trips, little mini trips to stay the night at hotels or to just go to the beach or the mountains for the day like we used to do when we were dating. We have attended church more and spoken more about our faith. We continue to work on our new home that is 9 1/2 months in and hopefully will be completed end of this summer (fingers crossed!). 

We have been raising up a new family addition,Thor, a German Shepherd puppy we welcomed home in February. Matthew played his first year of baseketball ever this past year and earned Defensive Player of the Year! He also got Student of the Year in Choir (SOOOO proud of his singing and the courage to be one of just 2 boys involved...it was just him and he convinced a friend that singing is cool and to join). Isaiah has matured so much in the past year, he is a creative and enthusiastic soul who exudes excitement in everything. He has recently taken up piano, something this mama is so excited for as well!

We have taken a handful of vacations that you may have known nothing about, and I will admit that I missed sharing pictures. You can actually find some here! In February, Barrett and I spent five days in Providencialis, Turks and Caicos.  We had an amazing, relaxing, enjoyable time with one another in this gorgeous island paradise. Just recently, in June, we took a family vacation to Canada exploring Vancouver, Banff National Park, Columbia Icefields, and an adorable little hamlet called Bragg Creek.  During these trips I still took many pictures, but I also set my phone and other camera down to take in and enjoy the scenery, practicing living in the moment and capturing the moments in my memories not just on camera to share with friends and family.

Being social media free has been a huge change for me. It has been very positive despite the dwindling business I got while obviously not being online advertising for my make up business. As much as I enjoyed that, it was a small price to pay for the things that I gained. With the combination of being online less and cutting to a 32 hour workweek, I have been able to be more fulfilled and have more time to myself. In the last 7 months I have lost 15 pounds, have finally integrated exercise into my daily and weekly routine, have been eating much healthier, have read book after book for pleasure, and have had time for prayer. 

At work I find I am a more effective employee and more compassionate and thoughtful nurse when I’m not distracted by what I could be missing online.  I have read 32 books so far this year, listened to dozens of TED talks, and would like to say that I am much closer to finding myself...although I am not. I did learn however that we are never really found, as we are always changing and growing. I like that. 

I have done a lot of soul-searching, and have rediscovered or discovered in the first place some of my passions. I love to take pictures, I love home interior decorating, I enjoy drawing and painting, as well as singing, love animals and taking care of them, and I love being outside in nature especially near water.

I am back. But in a limited capacity. You see, 2018 thus far has taught me about finding a healthy balance. Facebook and Instagram are indeed wonderful ways to connect with friends, but I plan on being much more selective and limited. Don’t be surprised if I disappear again. My biggest takeaway is that living in the present is the most important thing that we can do for ourselves and our loved ones. Being mindful of where I am at and who I am with lets me enjoy each experience to the fullest. After all, we are only ever guaranteed the present.


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