When it’s Harder Than You Imagined
You guys. After working my tush off to be where I’m at: getting through nursing school, securing experience and letters of recommendation from doctors, hours and hours of studying... I almost quit nurse practitioner school. I can’t even believe I’m writing that. I’d had a really rough few weeks about a week ago or so which was exacerbated by a new med for me for migraine prevention that shouldn’t have had bad side effects but did...anyone else experience that with propranolol?? It made me sad and fatigued-quite frankly mirroring depression symptoms and calmed my anxiety to where I felt numb about everything. It was just recently that I discovered my anxiety actually helps me. It’s just enough. It’s not soul crushing inactivity provoking, but just enough adrenaline that boosts me forward. I had a very hard exam, was doubting myself so much, was overwhelmed but uncaring (not a good combination). I was hating every second of school, even though I mainly liked it a few weeks ago despi...