A Rant on Privilege, Heartache, and Happiness as a Woman
I am reading a book right now that is one of the most amazing, soul-searching, hallelujah-I-totally-agree-with-you-on-so-many-things types of books. It is called Untamed by Glennon Doyle who writes in a style similar (to me anyway) of Elizabeth Gilbert whose work I also adore. I don’t agree with everything the author writes about but I agree with the premise that many of the narratives that women are given by society and put upon themselves make us feel small, caged, inadequate. I highly recommend the book. I am fired up today because I read a comment in my book group on Facebook (that is full of many lovely strangers who love reading just as much as I do). A woman wrote in that she felt that the book was insincere. She felt it was not possible that this woman who writes about all of her hardships and triumphs in a beautiful memoir could’ve possibly experienced all of this because she comes from a life of privilege. Wait, what??? Let me stop for a moment. I’m not talking abo...