The Week Review in Quarantine(ish): A Daily Journal of Sorts
I began writing during week 2 of this stay-home movement if you will, so I will give a brief synopsis of what life was like during week 1 for my household. I hope sharing this journal gives you hope, laughter, and insight. I hope it lets you know that we are all in this together as we experience a range of human emotions. Last week (week 1): For the first few days we talk of little other than Coronavirus. Are we taking this too seriously? Not seriously enough? What does this mean for everyone? Surely our leaders are looking at China and Italy and making informed decisions, right? Right? We struggle through the first week of “offsite education” for the boys, at once both annoyed with it all and thankful their education will continue without huge disruption. The boys are so resilient and adapt to their new online routine. I figure out how to videotape science projects and photograph homework to help them send in. Isaiah realizes his bday will be much different this ...