
Showing posts from February, 2019

What Lights You Up

This morning at church I ran into an old friend. She spoke animatedly about a project that she may begin, and said, "I just felt my whole body light up from inside." I am so thrilled for her, and it really got me thinking, especially as she asked, "Is that how you are with NP school?"  "No, not even close," I said, "but I'm doing it."  I relayed this conversation to Barrett and it saddened him. I guess it saddens me as well. Here we are making monthly sacrifices of time, money and energy in the hopes that this new goal will light me up.  What if it doesn't? What if it is the wrong goal? Am I the ONLY one in the world to pursue something this difficult and all-consuming somewhat halfheartedly? Any doctors or lawyers out there who said "this seems like the next best step?"  I hope so. NP school does not light me up. It is grueling drudgery and I expect it to become more so, not less over the next few years. Maybe clinical wi...

Let Travel be the Teacher

As I write, I am five and a half hours from completion of this long haul 11 hour flight returning to Portland from Spain by way of Amsterdam, attempting to blog on my Kindle because someone failed to charge my laptop yesterday. That someone is me. 😉Eleven hours of downtime is a long time. Enough time to read a fantastic new novel from cover to cover (we both read it, and I highly, highly recommend the Tattooist of Auschwitz ) as well as a fun little read on happiness traditions in other countries ( Happy: Secrets to Happiness From the Cultures of the World ) and to study my genetics chapter for advanced pathophysiology. I am filled with gnocchi, cheese and crackers, and chocolate truffle. Delta airlines has surprisingly good meal service on long flights and provides pillows, blankets, earplugs and eye masks (nice touches)....but no hopes of sleep because it's still daytime in the time zone I'm traveling from! Every time I travel I come back a changed, slightly rearranged per...