
Showing posts from 2022

The Challenge With Choice

 The average human makes approximately 35,000 decisions every single day! If you have been friends with me and/or following my blogs (including my historical ones -as I have been blogging since about 2013), you will know that today is not the first time I have written about choice. Nor am I the only one-here's a fave TedTalk worth listening to: The Paradox of Choice . It is also not the first time I have written about the search for the proverbial unicorn career or making all the puzzle pieces fit. If you have no idea about puzzles and unicorns, just ignore for now. 😘 Our choices define us. Our choices point to what matters to us. Want to know someone better? Watch the choices they make. Every choice may lead us somewhere different and has the potential to greatly change the course of our ENTIRE life-think of the butterfly effect or the movie The Adjustment Bureau (GREAT movie). Obviously some choices are much more important than others. For example, the outfit I have on toda...

The Career Happiness Scale....Where do you Rate?

 I am often thinking of ways to improve my happiness. This is not because I am an unhappy person, but because I want to maximize joy in my life. I tend to think a lot about career (and have devoted WAY too many years to pursuing career happiness), and about finding a calling. Not everyone pursues a vocation they feel "called to"-but I have always felt a pull to lead, to guide, to help, and to heal.  I am almost 5 months into my career as a primary care nurse practitioner. I know it is not a perfect fit----I would like to think I am pretty good about knowing what I enjoy overall, but it definitely has its ups and downs. On a particularly down moment a week ago, I started questioning myself. Did 30 months of very intense schooling and clinical (and more student loans and loads of energy, sweat tears) buy me that much more career happiness? If it did (or did not) how did I even measure that? Is there a scale?  Was I happier than when I was a teacher? Than when I was working ...